Pop Goes the Motherboard

Well, this hasn't been fun. My computer gradually gets more unstable, random freezing and rebooting and I foolishly put it down to randomness. Eventually it gets so unstable it won't even get through the memory check before rebooting.

So I open the lid (or at least, clear all the stuff out the way) so I can look inside and reseat the memory. I thought that seemed the most likely culprit. Ha.
Capacitors near processor slot

Things didn't look too bad.  But then I noticed a brown blotch on the top of one of the caps. "That's odd", I thought, "Oh well".  Then I reseated the memory.  No change.  Hrm.

So I took everything out of the case, and had a closer look at the motherboard. "That's odd", I thought, "some of the caps are leaning at funny angles". Another look. "That's odd, there's black stuff coming out the bottom of that capacitor. And that one. Oh, and that one. There too. Oh, bother".
Black Stuff

Now I decide to turn the motherboard over:
Brown Splodge

Now, I think you'll agree with me here, you don't really want to see this.  Underneath one of the regulators for the processor things seem to have got a little hot.  And there's yet more black stuff. Out with the soldering iron:
Bad, Bad CapactitorsInside the Cap

Oooh, look.  They've all popped their little black rubber seals. This probably affects their performance. I bet you're wondering what the motherboard looked like underneath:
Motherboard covered in Black Stuff

It's not looking good, is it? Also note the pinkish tinge around the left hand regulator. That's the one that got hot enough to discolour the motherboard.

"Anyway", I thought, "at least it's just the processor power supply. I can change those caps".

Another look.

Many caps gone bad

The red dots show the remaining broken caps. Now I don't know a lot about motherboard design, but I'm guessing the ones near the SDRAM slots are for smoothing the 3.3V supply to them.  These capacitors are supposedly rated at 6.3V. The other capacitors are rated either as 10V or 16V and seem to be ok.

I'm slightly disappointed, and felt this was clearly all Abit's fault, but then a friend sent this link to the Register. It looks like I've been the victim of a multinational coporate espionage bungle:
This links to:
which has pictures looking eerily similar to mine.

The upshot of all this? I need to buy some capacitors or a second hand Slot-A Athlon motherboard. And a soldering iron that some kid appears to have used to melt a glue stick from those glue guns.
