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My Japan Trip

I've got a friend who's just coming up to finish her 3 years on the JET program. So another friend and I decided we had to go visit before she came back. So we did. Here're the pictures. Here's my story:

Day 1

Mostly dull really. There's something about me and airport security though. The last few times I've been through Heathrow I've been randomly picked to have my hand luggage searched. Ho hum. Had food at a TGI Friday place. BAA claim that prices at the airport are comparable to the outside world. On that basis then TGI Friday is expensive. As it turned out, could probably have done without the meal anyway. Then spent half an hour not finding an ATM. I think this helped us get into the right frame of mind for Japan.

The flight was quite empty anyway but we had some decent seats booked, just where the body starts to narrow at the back, so you get extra space. Nice. The flight was quite exciting to start with, flying up through a bit of a storm, complete with lightning near the plane.

Then the food started. Over the following 18 hours we would be served:

All that without any exercise. By the fish we were debating whether to start screaming in terror at the sight of yet more food. But we didn't. Anyway, films. Saw 'Cosmic Rescue' and Paycheque. Short review: 'Cosmic Rescue' is bad in a fun way. Paycheque is bad in a bad way. The other entertainment was watching the sunrise over the Western Siberian Lowlands. Just about the only part of the flight when we could see the ground, but fairly spectacular.

Anyway, got to Hong Kong and hung around for an hour or so. Big airport, long walk between gates for the transfer. Slight bit of hassle because they wanted the ticket at the boarding gate and I was on eTicketing, but that got sorted quickly. I think they were a little stressed. Landed in Taipei to change passengers. Taipei looks like an interesting city. As we flew over I couldn't really see any centre. Anyway, hung around by the gate for a bit, got back on the plane and got to Fukuoka.

So, we're now in Japan. You can tell because as we leave the plane then the people who connect the tunnel to the side of the plane are bowing at everyone in sight. Weirdness/coolness starts fairly quickly. The visa is quite neat. It's a sticker, on which is one of those 2D barcodes, that gets scanned when you leave the country. Seems better than a piece of green card you have to remember to hand in. Once again, my baggage gets searched (and I thought I had an honest face). I'm not sure what the customs lady is asking, so she gets a card with pictures on it. I'm then trying to figure out what the pictures are meant to be and end up missing that there's a translation in English next to the pictures. Anyway, she was asking if I was bringing anything illegal into the country. Good thing I wasn't bringing any Mickey Mouse figures in.

Finally cleared customs. One of the guide books had said that if in doubt, behave like the traditional English gentleman abroad. So far I had the bumbling English gentleman bit down pat. Met Emma. who had a coke can. First good Japanese thing: vending machine cans with screw tops, fantastic idea.

Got the bus. Second good Japanese thing: cup holders everywhere. Third good Japanese thing (once you know what it is): board at the front of the bus that shows what the fare between the stop you got on at and the stop coming up will be, so you can get the change ready. Very sensible.

Note: when I say 'good japanese thing' I really mean 'thing I haven't seen before'.

Anyway, got bus from Fukuoka airport to Saga, then Emma drove us from there to her house in Kubota and showed us the room we'd be staying in. Fantastic, tatami covered floor and a little alcove with some rocks in it. We drag out a couple of futons and collapse.

The rest of the time (unfinished)