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A Word A Day

(or rather, whenever I add another)

Mendacious: untruthful; often telling lies.

No real reason for this one. Although I suppose it could be related to the way I've been planning to update these pages for a very, very, long time.

Eerie: Strange; Weird.

I sometimes forget that it starts with a double e. Still a good word though. As used by me in my exploded motherboard page.

Pulchritudinous: Beautiful.

I assume there has to be a longer description giving times when you'd use pulchritudinous over beautiful, but the concise oxford dictionary doesn't say.  This word found in J. V. Jones' The Baker Boy.

Gallimaufry: Heterogeneous mixture, jumble, medley.

I'm not sure how jumble and medley can fit together. Maybe a bad medley that just sounds like a mess. First heard on BBC Radio4. I think it was John Humphrys. I didn't think it was a word, it wasn't in my Oxford School Dictionary; I found it in the Concise Oxford Dictionary. I wonder if they could use a new tagline: 'Radio 4, we use long words'.